Chinaese Edition
Welcome to Zhouyi Center

About Professor Liu Da-jun

Prof. Liu Dajun Was Interviewed by Shandong Pictorial Magazine

Prof. Liu Dajun was interviewed by Shandong Pictorial Magazine at No. 6, 2009. In the interview, Prof. Liu talked about his idea on the subjects of the relationship between the Zhouyi and poems, calligraphy, the relationship between traditional Chinese culture and China's current situation, and education concept as well. Besides Yi -ology, Prof. Liu gets a good reputation for his poems and calligraphy which Prof. Liu think, are are basic requirements for a scholar, and exert an important influence on his academic study. In his youth, he was very interested in modern new poetry. The Indian poet Tagore has a great influence on him too. Prof. Liu lost himself in the mood of poems when studying the Yi at that time.

Prof. Liu hold that it has an important realistic meaning for us to study the Zhouy i today. We should review our traditional culture, analyze the relationship between tradition and reality and build our new national culture better. As for the educational idea, Prof. Liu thought that academic research is scholars's realization of spiritual life rather than just the means to make a living so schloars should achieve the realm of the unity of knowledge and practice.

I want to say

(Originally published in Chinese in the Shandong Pictorial Magazine, No. 6, 2009)